Tree planting for Schools
Tree Planting for Schools

In autumn 2019, Bexhill Environmental Group expanded its tree planting project to include local schools around the town. The schools’ tree coordinators for the group - Malcolm and Jackie Turner - contacted local schools with an offer to plant new young trees in their grounds.6 schools were keen to take up the offer – Catsfield School, Chantry School, Charters Ancaster Nursery, Glyne Gap School, St Mary Magdalen’s School and St Richards School. A total of 65 new trees were delivered across the 6 schools in November included birch, field maple, rowan, wild cherry and willow. Enthusiastic pupils ranging from pre-school to sixth form helped plant the trees and learned the benefits trees may bring to their school and how to look after them.
Schools considering planting more trees in the future are welcome to contact Bexhill Environmental Group for further information.